Great Weekend Pt 1

This past week I took off a couple of days so I could go spend some time in the woods with God.  It was an amazing time.

I headed out after work on Wed. and drove a couple of hours away to Lake Mineral Wells State Park.  I decided to stay out in the remote primitive camping area as I figured it would be less likely that other campers would be around.  I was right.  It was absolutely devoid of other people.

Once at the park, the camping area is about a 2 1/2 mile hike.  I got there a little later than I wanted to, so I had to hurry to get to the site before dark.  Oh and by the way, I’m not complaining cause this was my idea, but this is Texas in August and darn hot.  During the walk in I came up on a couple of foxes on the trail.  I guess they were pretty focused on something else, as I was within about 15 feet before they jumped into the brush.  I got to the site just before dark, quickly found a spot and set up my tent.  Then inside before the mosquitoes came out.  I had a quick meal and then settled in for the night.  My clothes were completely soaked from the hike in.

I laid down and thought and prayed, ready to listen for God while I was out there.

In the morning I woke up, got my breakfast together and was sitting in the doorway to my tent when I saw a bobcat about 30 feet away from me.  I was able to take a picture with my phone, but it isn’t great.  I had to walk back in to pay the rangers and on my way I saw three deer ahead of me on the trail.  WOW, what a great time of seeing wildlife!  I also found a rock outcropping that I decided would be a great spot for some quiet bible study and prayer.  So after paying the rangers and walking back out to it, I found a nice shady spot and sat down for about an hour or so.

I’ve been reading Psalms lately for my Bible time and it turns out that I was up to Psalm 23.  Many people are familiar with Psalm 23, or at least part of it “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil…”.  Well Psalm 23 was the scripture that I kept reciting to myself the day I signed my contract.  And since this time with God was to help prepare me for heading away for five months it seemed very God ordained.  I dove in and really picked it apart, seeing exactly where and how He says He will care for our needs.  It is amazing how clearly God lays out what good He wants for us.

After my time there on the outcropping I headed back to my camp and found a shady spot to hang out all day.  I had my lunch and then back to Psalms.  Psalm 25 really spoke to me and I think I’ll be coming back to it again soon.  I’ve also noticed recently how often David uses the word lovingkindness, and in Psalm 25 he uses it 3 times, so I had to make a note to myself to find out how many times it is used in the bible.  186ish, with 126 in Psalms alone.  WOW, I guess God wanted us to get the idea of how He loves us, even in the old testament.

What a great experience that day was, just sitting, reading and contemplating God’s word and how it applies to me and my family as we approach our upcoming changes in life.

I headed back home later that evening as I had a commitment early Friday morning.  I don’t know that I’d recommend doing it in 100 degree plus weather, but I absolutely recommend getting outside for some alone time with God.  Remember, He created everything out there so you might be able to find a special connection with Him outdoors.