Boy Life Gets Busy

Well, it’s been way too long since I actually posted anything on here.  I’m sure some people think ahh, just another blog here today and gone tomorrow. Things have been really hectic, we’ve got the Exchange migration that is almost at the critical point and ready to do the changeover, we’re doing a large internal SQL consolidation, and we’re trying out MS CRM 3.0.  Let me tell ya, all of those at once is a handful in addition to the daily stuff. Oh yeah did I mention setting up 12 machines for new people?  Rick really does a great job helping me focus on the things I have to do while he takes care of everything else.  The only thing that has been technically challenging is the CRM reporting server connection and I tell you I even stumped Microsoft with getting the config to work. So, this week or next I’ll build a virtual machine and put a pure instance of CRM on it to see if that resolves the issues. I know I’ve mentioned it before, but I am really excited about getting Exchange internal. I keep finding new nifty things that can be done in it. I guess that about wraps it up for the time being, but I’ll try to post a little more often even if I don’t have an answer that saves the world. 🙂
