Business, Business, Business or is it Just Part of Growing?
It seems like 40 to 50% of my day lately is business-oriented tasks. P&L or planning or billing or meetings. The other time I spend finishing projects. We just rolled out MS CRM 3.0, that was a challenge, and before that was Exchange. I’m not complaining, just noticing. I have to say if it weren’t for Rick, a lot of people wouldn’t get their requests completed in a timely manner. The problem I do have is that although I have been working with a lot of technologies lately, I haven’t run into anything that was really worthy of blogging about. I am seeing some issues with Exchange 2007, but I still haven’t found a solution to them yet. Once I do, you can guarantee I’ll post them here.
Soon we’ll have a few more projects, a new firewall, getting everyone on Office 2007 and eventually Vista (don’t hold your breath guys). There is always something else to do.
One thing that I’ve noticed is that I’m growing into my position, which should be natural, but it is nice to feel more and more confident about my decisions. That growth takes me away from the day-to-day technical duties more and more which kinda stinks but at the same time I enjoy the challenge of the business side of things. One of the many great things about working here at Telligent is the support that the leadership team gives. Jason, my boss, is hands off 98% of the time. When he does need to give me direction, he just points the way and then steps out of the way. He lets me do my thing with my department and passes on what information I need to know to make decisions. The other members of the team all work together so well, I love the fact that there are no egos to deal with. I’ve never worked at a better company.
I’m really looking forward to being part of Telligent as we grow these next few years. I think Community Server will really hit its stride and I know the brains around here are always coming out with something new and cooler than the last idea.
As always, thanks for reading.