Catching Up

I know it has been a long time since I’ve posted but as usual life seems to get in the way.

Back at the end of February we brought home a one week old baby boy. We are fostering him for an unknown amount of time. He is a cutie and we love having him around. For the first three months I was too tired to get out and workout. He (Little Bear, LB for short) is a very attention needy little guy sometimes.

After that three months I went out to run and my foot was really hurting. I went to the Dr and was told it might be a stress fracture so I needed to stay off of it for a month while taking anti-inflammatory meds. I was able to do weights and bike, but that didn’t seem to help me losing weight.. 🙁 I am finally clear to run again and started last week. Taking it slowly at first so I don’t mess up my foot prior to shipping out. That also means I missed the 1/2 marathon, darn it. I’ve got to build back up to longer distances, right now I’m up to four miles again, but I know I need to take it easy. This morning I did 10 and a 1/2 min miles. So not too bad, but need to get better.

Life is good around here, Bug just celebrated her sixth birthday. We took her to the rodeo and she had a great time. She ran with about 150 other kids chasing a couple of calves. She was also chosen to ride a sheep in the “Mutton Bustin” contest. She had a blast and really enjoyed her birthday.

I guess that about catches everything up. Oh BTW just about 60 days to go.