Closing One Chapter and Rebooting Another

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.

I started writing years ago while I was in the IT industry, sharing things I had learned and just general experiences. There were a few months spent moving a company from Dallas into Mexico, and that provided much amusement and levity (unfortunately I’ve lost those posts throughout the years). But then in 2009, Bride and I felt God saying it was time to go back into the Army. I won’t repeat all of that right here, because I shared much of the highlights of that time in previous posts. BUT, here I am again, writing, sharing, chronicling a phase of change in our lives. Hopefully, it will be mostly humorous, I’ll try to share things in a good-humored light. SO……

Last night, 28 February 2023, Bride and I clicked the mouse button to submit the paperwork to begin the process of my retiring from the Army. I feel confident in thinking this will not be the only time that submit button is pressed. The Army has a wonderful way of ensuring one is 90 percent aware of the way paperwork must be completed, leaving the other 10 percent to our imaginations and creative deduction. We can also assume those imaginations and creative deductions will be wrong 99 percent of the time. 😉 Therefore, we oftentimes have the opportunity to revisit and adjust previously submitted paperwork.

I’ve requested a retirement date of 1 January 2025, but with accrued vacation, hopefully I’ll be out a couple of months before that. The interesting thing that most of us in the military do not realize is that we are eligible to retire after 20 years of service, however, the military can say no to our retirement until we have served 30 years. 😯

So, we’ll see how this process runs its course. God has blessed my family and me by placing us here in the Army, and we’ve said since the beginning that we would be here until he says it is time to be somewhere else. We’re moving forward, listening to God, and taking the next step.

Here we go…