Don’t Buy Stuff You Can’t Afford
Bride just forwarded this SNL clip to me.
As I watched it, it really hit home with me. You see Bride and I went through bankruptcy a few years ago and we are now in the process of putting things in their proper place. We thought we had it all under control. “As long as we can make the monthly CC payments, everything is fine.” That is until life changes or emergencies happen. Guess what, life does change, and emergencies do happen.
It seems that this isn’t just our problem, but a major problem in our country. How many people are losing homes because they bought more than they could afford. (I can give grief, because I am one of them.) How many people are losing cars because they bought more than they could afford? (Again, I did it too.) It doesn’t stop with our individual citizens. How many corporations are spending more money than they make??? Can you say 1.3 trillion dollars spent bailing companies out so far, with another 1 trillion likely as soon as the new administration is in office? With that, we have our own government. We have a 10 trillion-dollar gross national debt and Social Security will be insolvent within 12 years.
We have to stop this. Individually, corporately and nationally. Debt is BAD!!! There is this really neat concept that has worked for a very long time, “if you don’t have money, don’t spend money”.
The Bible speaks more about managing money properly than any other subject because debt causes our focus to be directed not on God, but on the material things of this world. We are told that debt makes us slaves. If you don’t think you’re a slave to your debt, do two things. 1) Imagine what you could do with the money that you spend on bills every month. 2) Try not paying your bills. Will you be able to keep your home, your car?
Proverbs 22:7
The poor are ruled by the rich, and those who borrow are slaves of moneylenders.
We should focus on saving our money rather than spending every dime of it every paycheck. Save for those purchases you want to make. Pay cash, it is an amazing feeling. When you do make purchases, make sure you still have money in your savings to be prepared for the rainy days in life.
Genesis 41:35-36
Give them the power to collect the grain during those good years and to store it in your cities. It can be stored until it is needed during the seven years when there won’t be enough grain in Egypt. This will keep the country from being destroyed because of the lack of food.
Proverbs 21:20
Be sensible and store up precious treasures, don’t waste them like a fool.
When you do have debts pay them off quickly.
Romans 13:8
Let love be your only debt! If you love others, you have done all that the Law demands.
As we move forward in this economy, I hope that each one of us has grown in wisdom concerning money. It is a tool provided by God to use for the benefit of His kingdom. Make sure you are using your tools wisely for Him.