I Love CS2007

OK, call me a jaded since I work for Telligent, but hear me out.  I admit that I install many instances of Community Server as part of my duties, but I don’t usually build the site.  (Thats what devs are for 🙂 ) Yesterday, I decided that it was time that I had my own blog, so I said to myself “self you should create your blog with CS 2007”.  So, I did, and WOW I was soooo happy with how easy it was.  I normally prefer to setup a site manually and I did this one that way too.  I created a database and website, then dropped the web files into place and ran the database script.  BAM the site was up and running a full CS instance. 

But I didn’t want a full CS instance, I wanted a single blog so I IM’d Rick (one of our support GURUS) and he sent me this link: single_blog. (Site has been deactivated since I originally posted.)  It is just a simple matter of dropping those two files into the root of your site and making one small change, then you have a single blog instance of CS.  (*** adding info-  ScottW has asked me what the change that I had to make was, so I thought I would clarify here.  I just had to change the defaultApplicationKey to point to my blog name.  That was it!!!) 

After that I went into the control panel and played around.  I LOVE how easy it is to change the blog theme, click, select, save, done.  That makes it sooo easy to change the theme of the site.  I also loved how many themes are available.  As you can see, I chose the PaperClip theme.  I’ll be modifying the header image as soon as I find a photo I like.  This tool will make that easy to do as well: PaperClip Blog Skin.  Like I said I am not a dev, but I only had to change two lines of code to get this site up and running.  To me that is AWESOME!!! I just have to say how impressed I am with the product team and CS 2007.  They all did a great job on this product. 
