Life Goes Screaming By…
So, it is midnight and I’m finally taking the time to post. I know it has been way too long, but as the title says, life goes screaming by. I guess I’ll catch things up on here.
I don’t remember if I’ve actually said the name of the company that I am working for yet, but it is SalesBook. I’m having a blast there as we prepare to release a public beta of our site. It is a site for sales professionals to “tell their story”, use it as an online briefcase, etc. It is looking great, and we are all stoked about it. I just got three new servers built and I’ll be changing over to them this weekend.
Here at home, hmmm let’s see what has been happening?
Well, we had a little fright with Bride. She had a bump on her arm that turned out to be cancerous. She only found out after having it removed and was then told that she needed to go back in and have more tissue removed to make sure all the cancer was removed. She had to wait 2-3 weeks for that to take place, so a little nerve racking during that time. Throughout it all she stayed amazingly strong and full of faith in God and His purposes. She is such an inspiration to me.
Then just as she was recovering from that we finished up our certification to become foster parents. Yes, if you know us it is scary. We had four phone calls for kids within the first 72 hours of being certified. None of them worked out for coming to us, but that was ok since Bride needed to recover from the surgery.
Then at the end of last week we got two little girls. They are just so wonderful and sweet. Unfortunately, one of them had to have heart surgery on Monday to repair two little holes. Everything went fine, and she came home today. She was so cute tonight. But quiet and very tired. We’re really glad to have them home with us.
So, as I said life has been crazy busy, both at home and at work, but it is great too.
I thank my Lord for keeping my family safe throughout the recent surgeries. I thank Him for putting us in the position to help out these little girls. I thank Him for loving us even when we don’t deserve it.