National Airborne Day 2010

There are many other blogs out there with great info on National Airborne Day, but I figured with the title of this blog I really should post something.
Today we celebrate the birth of the US military Airborne. I salute my fellow brothers and sisters from all of our services who dare to leap from a perfectly good airplane in times of peace as well as war. Kind of like the Marines, once Airborne, always Airborne.
Since WWII our Airborne troops have always been called upon to complete the difficult missions. This is primarily due to the attitude and ethic that lends itself to the act of volunteering for Airborne duty. This is not to say that we are special because we are Airborne (even though we are 🙂 ), but rather that we are willing to be Airborne because we strive be the best at all times. This attitude of being the best permeates the training that Airborne troopers put themselves through, thus allowing them to accomplish the mission no matter the cost.