Quick Update

It’s been a couple of days since I posted, so I thought I’d do a quick update.

On Saturday we did finally get cable in the building. We were supposed to get the “provisional” electricity yesterday, but that didn’t happen. Maybe we’ll get it tomorrow. That obviously is a big showstopper for us. Once we get electricity then I have to get the network and the call center set up. I’m really ready for that. We’re all ready to get the business moved and settled so we can start getting our families situated.

I actually got to come back to Dallas on Tuesday. Unfortunately, it was a short visit filled with errands as on Wed. morning I had to travel down to Houston. It was great to see Stacy and Emily though. Emily came running up to me yelling “MY DADDYYYYYYYYYYY!!!” when I got through the customs door at the airport. Then she gave me the biggest hug and just didn’t let go. Oh boy did I miss her. I think she missed me too. We had a great day even though there were errands to run. WOW, she is getting big and very vocal. I know I was only gone a couple of weeks, but she just seems to be talking more and more articulately. BTW, she is 3yrs old. I’ll be in Houston until Friday, and then back to Dallas. We’re meeting with some clients here.

Soon I’ll be heading back to Merida, still working that time frame out. 

Well, like I said, just a quick update.

Via con Dios,
