Wally the Whale
I’m not much of a storyteller, but today Bug asked me to tell her a story. We were driving to the grocery store and for some reason I was able to rattle off three stories pretty quickly about Larry the Lion, he was a cable guy, Henry the Hippo and Ricky the Rino, who went to the store then have a tofu BBQ and one more that I don’t remember. Then on the way home I told the story of Wally the Whale.
Now this one I borrowed from the Bible, and I wanted to share it here.
There once was a whale named Wally. He was swimming along, minding his own business one day when all of the sudden the water started getting rough. He swooshed this way and that. He went up and down. Once, while he was near the surface to get a breath this hairy thing fell in the water in front of him, so he ate it.
After that he started to not feel well. His stomach hurt. It felt like there was something crawling around inside his stomach. After three days he still wasn’t feeling any better, so he thought he should be near land just in case he needed to rest. As he got near the shore he threw up and that big hairy thing went flying up on the shore. Boy did he feel better after that, and he headed back out to sea.
Now of course, you and I know that the big hairy thing was Jonah. And now we have the moral of the story: sometimes we have no idea how God is using us. Sometimes it may not make us feel too good at all. He just needs us to do our part and He will make sure that His plan is accomplished. Wally didn’t know how or why he was being used by God, but he was being used for God’s greater purposes.
After that I also told the story of Chomp the Shark who ate this guy named Darwin while he was swimming off the Galapagos Islands. 😉