How Do We Stop Senseless Violence in the US?

How do we stop mass killings here in the United States? The answer is Jesus. Jesus loves each of us, so those of us who follow Him should be telling others about Him. True followers of Jesus love others. Yes, there have been many horrific occurrences over the centuries by those who claim to be Christians, but I will say they were wrong, and they weren’t following Jesus. Jesus is the answer, because He is love, and you don’t kill someone if You love them like Jesus does.
We’ve removed Jesus from our society and replaced Him with a secular belief which says there is no higher power, we are nothing but a cosmic accident, and we’re on our own to save or destroy our planet. If there is no higher power, then what establishes morality, who or what determines right from wrong? Society espouses relativism in truth, saying my truth and your truth are not necessarily the same. If that is the case, then which truth is correct when we speak of murder? Who gets to decide and on what grounds? Is it the government which gets to decide that murder is wrong? If that is the case, there have been many governments which decided that murder of a specific group of people was just fine. Is it society as a whole, which gets to decide which truth is to be accepted? Because many societies have said that because this people doesn’t look like that people, or they have a different background, then they are less valuable. Society must be just as fallible as are governments. So, if my truth and yours are different, and neither society nor government can be counted on to establish moral rightness, how do we determine right from wrong?
I know many people don’t like the idea of a higher power who establishes right from wrong, moral vs. immoral, and ultimate truth. People don’t like this idea, because it takes away their ability to say, “I’m a better person than that guy, so I must be a good person.” Or, “If I’m not hurting anyone else, then what I’m doing is fine.” The problem with this type of thinking is other people are affected by our actions, either physically, emotionally, mentally, or a combination of those. People don’t want to be told that what their doing is wrong. I’ll admit that I don’t like to be told that, but I’m often convicted of my actions. I have used an unkind word, or tone. I haven’t loved as well as I should have. I’ve been convicted and I repent, trying to turn away from those actions, because they are wrong. Because they don’t display the love for others I’m supposed to be modeling. In these times I’m not loving people like Jesus does and I’m sinning.
As a follower of Jesus, I have two jobs, two commandments which should rule my life, love God and love others. Christians haven’t always done that well, and still don’t. Often times, Christians are seen as condemning, hateful people who look down on others because they don’t live up to the values espoused by Christians. Those people are wrong. Jesus tells us to love others because He loves them. As a follower of Jesus, it isn’t my job to tell a non-follower to stop doing certain things. My job is to love them and tell them about Jesus. Once they have accepted Jesus, then He will tell them to stop doing those things.
So ultimately how do we stop this evil in the US? The answer isn’t bringing God into schools, or the Ten Commandments into the courthouse, or even protesting against abortion clinics. The answer is bringing Jesus into our lives and our households. Teaching our kids about Jesus, and loving others like He does. The answer is trusting in Jesus to lead our lives and allowing Him to change us, so we love people like He does. Jesus is a relational God. He wants to be in relationship with each of us, and He wants us to be in relationship with each other.
We have a problem in this world of not obeying God, and this is known as sin. God cannot allow sin in His presence, so He sent Jesus to die and pay the debt for our sins. Because of Jesus’s actions, we are able to live in right relation with God as long as we accept Jesus as our savior. How do we stop mass killings here? We trust in Jesus and we tell others about Him, because Jesus changes lives.