Nothing Special…But Some Really Great Time with My Girls
I think I’m just going to catch everyone up on the last month or so. I last posted while I was away from home at my Warrant Officer Advanced Course in Missouri. The course lasted from January 7 through March 28. The wonderful thing about the course was that I got to stay in a hotel the entire time. Which provided the opportunity for Bride to come out and stay with me for three weeks. This was an unusual blessing, as every other time I’ve been to Missouri for a course I have shared a room with someone else. So, Bride and I got to spend time together, chatting, visiting the local sites, going for a nice nature stroll, and eating pizza. Bug even came to spend her Spring Break with me. Again, chats, walks, having dinner, and just enjoying time together.
Unfortunately, within about a week and a half of getting back home, I was away from home again for training with my unit. That training lasted about three weeks. Once that was done, it was time to head out to Virginia to pick Bug up from college. That was a quick eight-day trip with most of it spent driving.
The time spent with Bug there in Virginia and on the drive back was great. I am blessed to have an articulate and interesting young woman as my daughter. We had great conversations, listened to 25+ hours of the Classical Stuff You Should Know Podcast, ate Indian, Thai, Vietnamese, and Greek, and just enjoyed the time together.
Overall, nothing special for the first part of this year except getting some unexpected time with my girls, who I love dearly and treasure beyond measure. Whatever you do, find time to be with the people you treasure the most. Time is finite and we don’t get it back, so make sure you are investing in your family wisely.